You can buy inline skate from (Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi, Da Nang,…) sell inline skate
Contact us for more information
Phone : 083.249.67-89
Email : [email protected]
Please call for an appointment prior buying in person.
Click here to see all inline skates and roller skates :
Address : 525/120 Huynh Van Banh street, P14, Phú Nhuận district, HCM City
Or give this address ( 525/120 Huynh Van Banh street, P14, Phú Nhuận district, HCM City ) to vietnamese people, they will know where to go.
Or you can email us your Address, We will pick you up for Free
Nội dung:- skateboard shop hcm
- inline skate shop hcm
- skateboard shop ha noi
- shop inline skate
- inline skate shop ha noi